Traffic Analytics
With Wi-Fi™ and Bluetooth®

Smart City Analytics

Flow Insights

Back up your investment decisions with a live data.

With the Honey Access tracking technology, you can precisely measure:

  • where do people go,
  • how often do they come back,
  • how long do they stay,
  • means of transport they use,
  • whether they are local residents or tourists.

Detect traffic by type

  • Pedestrian Traffic (Footfall) Index
  • Tram/Bus Traffic Index
  • Rail Traffic Index
  • Car Traffic Index
  • Car Travel Experience Indicator

Quantify attractiveness

  • before/after city life influence: see how events affect other areas of the city
  • revisiting patterns: determine if you attract tourists, or local residents
  • discover what’s pumping up the shopping traffic
  • and what is not

Smart City Metrics

  • how many visitors were attracted by the event?
  • did they visit restaurants, shops, or rather left the city immediately?
  • how many of them revisited the city?
  • how an investment (i.e. new recreation site, new exhibition, traffic organisation change) influenced the way people move through the city
  • did it increase visitor rates?
  • did it increase overall time spent in the city by visitors?
City Flow Tracking Wi-Fi

Is that weather?

Good weather can be a big attractor for visiting any city. However random peaks should not distort your clear view on the situation.

Honey Access analytics software will allow you to distinguish behavioral patterns depending on the temperature, amount of rain, and other independent factors to allow you to look at global results in a bigger picture.

How it works

Honey Access City Tracking technology is a mix of high sensitivity tracking sensors, with analytics and reporting cloud software. Sensors are capable of detecting smartphones, and other mobile gadgets. Since all these devices can be uniquely identified, the output dataset collected can deliver very critical insights on how people move across the city, and their revisiting patterns.

The data is available 24/7 in the cloud, or on your in-house server.

Travel Time Estimation

Traffic Analytics

With Wi-Fi™ and Bluetooth®

Cost-effective, on-demand solution for measuring journey time, between any locations with Wi-Fi™ & Bluetooth® in-car devices tracking.

What’s possible?

  • Measure journey time between A and B
  • Traffic jam detection
  • Traffic density estimation
  • Categorize traffic by pedestrians, cyclists, drivers
  • Categorize traffic by user types: regular, occasional, tourists
  • Measure dwell time at traffic lights

How does it work?

Honey Access Traffic Sensors collect Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals from devices like:

  • Smartphones, smart watches, tablets
  • Hands-free car kits
  • In-car navigation systems
  • In-car Wi-Fi hotspots

These signals are collected, encrypted, instantly to the cloud, and matched across different locations to obtain traffic metrics.

Why Honey Access?

Our solution is very well tested in different projects. The hardware is very stable, the software is simple to use and provides all necessary features which you need for the traffic analyses.

What are the advantages of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi?

Honey Access Traffic Analytics delivers same data as long known technologies like magnetic loops, or number plate recognition cameras (ANPR), but at much lower cost, and much faster.

Easy to set up on demand (and removed on demand if necessary), and inexpensive to use. You can quickly install a large network of traffic measurement points in a few days, rather than months.

Retail Analytics

We anonymously track every single visit to your store, by detecting presence of your customers’ smartphones. This makes you know if visitors are new, or returning; how long they stayed, how many of them visited the store, and how many passed by.

In-store Wi-Fi Tracking

New metrics

Analytics Dashboard

With Honey Access you get a powerful retail information:

  • New Visitors
  • Returning Visitors
  • Passing-by Traffic
  • Capture Rate
  • Store Front Effectiveness
  • Bounce Rate: number of visitors leaving the store too soon
  • Engagement
  • Dwell Time
  • Staff to Visitors Ratio
  • Time spent in the Queue

Online reporting

  • Hourly, daily, weekly, monhtly
  • Compare to same period last year
  • A/B Location comparisons
  • Good vs bad weather periods
  • High vs low traffic periods
  • Data available in the cloud, 24/7
  • Weekly e-mail reports
Compare Places

How that helps me performing better?

Loyalty, Outside traffic, Visitors, and Engagement Metrics are giving you the opportunity to evaluate your key business decisions:

  • Has my new campaign been performing well? (Did it increase loyalty, or not?)
  • Has my new window display more stopping power?
  • Is there enough staff in the peak hours?
  • Did my new layout increase time spent in the store, or not?
  • Isn’t the queue too long?

With best-working ads, best displays, best layout, optimal salespeople allocation you will be selling more, and your customers will be coming back more often.

18 years of experience in Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi™

We're team of Poland-based wireless technologies experts, with a computer science background. We're focused on delivering cost-effective data analytics solutions.

Bluetooth Marketing

The history of our team starts in 2006, when we launched a Bluetooth proximity marketing platform, which has been used for marketing big brands like Nokia, Sony, Nike, National Geographics, as well as many small businesses.

Bluetooth Tracking

We were working with several international partners, and one of them – in 2008 – was approached by the Dutch agency for innovation (TNO) to check if they can use our technology for estimating the number of people in crowds on big events (which is normally hard to do).

Retail Metrics

The concept has been proved successful, and we started the development of the totally new solution on the top of our marketing platform. Not only for the crowd control on big events, but also for delivering new metrics for retailers to measure their performance.

Traffic and Smart Cities

In the same time the technology was tried at traffic projects with success. First in Netherlands, then Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, and Italy. In 2018 our system have been installed in Rome at 90 locations.

Notable projects

City of Rome

Roma Servizi per la Mobilità

Port of Rotterdam

Port of Rotterdam

Vancouver Airport

Vancouver Airport

Dutch Railways

Nederlandse Spoorwegen


Honey Access sp. z o.o.
ul. Lenartowicza 34
02-614 Warsaw, Poland

[email protected]